My hopes kneel down in the presence of the Supreme Sultan,
He is such a Sultan that I wish I would divide my soul in hundred thousand pieces, all hundred thousand one grovel to His presence, I wish I would reach you, run under your rule..!
This soul is sacrificed, a slave in your way ...!
Just call me my servant once, that's enough for me..!
Lines reflecting from the keyboard as the way I like, in my journey to my essence...
Others are now writing my story; Others will read their stories on me..!
ANAHTAR KELİMELER {Keywords}: As the Way I like, Öz'ün İfadesi, İçimden Geldiği Gibi, İslam ve Hayat, Tasavvuf, Allah ile Dialog, Tanrı ve Doğa İlişkisi, Allah – İnsan İlişkisi, Yaratıcı Güç ve Benlik, Nefisle Mücadele, Allah ile Yaşamak, Hakikat Bilgisi, Ölüm ve Ötesi, Kıyamet, Sufizm ve Mevlana, Mevlevilik, Kadirilik, Hacı Galip Hasan Kuşçuoğlu, sufism, Abdulkadir Geylani
Book Introduction Writing;
I have hanged my hopes onto the hairs of the sky, for those who were shot from their dreams, who knows, perhaps you make me an intermediary for those willing to heal their wounds…
All my blessing is the spirituality that you'll bestow upon me. Let me distribute to those whom you wish to bestowed upon..!
E Kitap Projesi & Yayıncılık
The Expression of the Essence
As The Way I Like
As e-book
(Some of the profits of this book will be donated to our animal friends living on the street)
* * *
Welcome child, you came well, what stories you have read, what stories you have listened to…
Sometimes you have been influenced from the authors, Isn't it the reason?
Others are now writing my story; Others will read their stories on me..!, you said…
Someday you have fed your mind madly without even taking a breath, then you have added what you had, and blended them all, Did you come before your time?
Not really, you haven't indeed took the road to come, your interview was with yourself, the road has brought you here, Welcome child..!
ÖNEMLİ NOT: Bu sitede yayınlanan tüm e-kitapların telif hakları e-kitap projesine aittir. İzinsiz kısmen veya tamamen kopyalanması yasaktır..