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Bilimsel Makaleler – Murat Ukray
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6 ₺

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on the general theory of relativity.

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Big Book of 150 Unique Puzzles & Solutions

Big Book of 150 Unique Puzzles & Solutions

eBook: 6.99 ₺ (eKitap)

In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions of 16 different categories. Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found.
All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages. Puzzles in this book, all illustrated, all different figure, different size and with different levels of difficulty.

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On Behalf of Humanity, I Apologize to All Plants!

On Behalf of Humanity, I Apologize to All Plants!

Printed: 11.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 19.99 ₺ (eKitap)

Is there any difference between Mozart and rock music for a plant?

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World’s Great Scientific Puzzles Book to Challenge & Solutions

World’s Great Scientific Puzzles Book to Challenge & Solutions

eBook: 6.99 ₺ (eKitap)


In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions of 16 different categories. Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found.

All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages..

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Beyin Labirenti (Brain Labyrinth)

Beyin Labirenti (Brain Labyrinth)

75 ₺

Beyin ile ilgili bilinen yönleri; bir öğrenme, bir bilme platformu ve ayrıca oyun ve sanat tadında bir sunum ve kitapla sizlerle buluşturdum.

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Crypto, Crisis and Community

Crypto, Crisis and Community

29.99 ₺


As a high school student trying to navigate my way through my rigorous academic ambitions; in the years leading up to my university applications, I was always faced with the big question of “ what do you plan to study in university?”. Trying to find an answer to this major life question I explored many different subjects and found my curiosity and passion for economics. That is when I started conducting research with different organisations, expanding my knowledge by exploring ongoing economic developments and issues. In this book, I have combined three of my research which meet at one point , how arising issues and developments shape our global economic landscape by fostering growth, resilience and community driven solutions. My main goal in creating this book was to raise awareness and spark discussion about the economy in highschool students with the hope of increasing knowledge possessed by my peers about such important topics. I hope you, my dear reader, enjoy reading this book and close the last page with knowledge that you can pass onto others.


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Holistic Science: “New Paradigm”

Holistic Science: “New Paradigm”

49.99 ₺

This book, in my opinion, was an important step calling for holistic thought, which became increasingly impoverished at the beginning of the 20th century. I believe that this book, which tries to make a synthesis by reflecting in the views of many thinkers on both the history of philosophy, the history of science and holism, will try to fill an important deficiency in the literature.

Prof. Dr. Erol Başar

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Evolution of Communism

Evolution of Communism

19.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 12.99 ₺ (eKitap)

The beginning story of the communism was like this:

A ghost walks in Europe - the ghost of communism. All the forces of old Europe entered into a sacred alliance to defeat this ghost: the Pope and the Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French radicals and German police agents.

Where is the opposition party not being accused of being communist by its opponents? Where is the opposition, which has not thrown this blightful communism accusation back to its reactionary adversaries as well as to the more progressive opposition parties?

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Makinelerin Evrimi: “4. Sanayi Devrimi”

Makinelerin Evrimi: “4. Sanayi Devrimi”

6.99 ₺

Endüstri 4.0 dönemi ile fabrikadaki üretim ekipmanları birbirleriyle konuşup anlaşacak ve gelecekte insansız fabrikalar yaygınlaşacak. İş kazaları azalacak ve teknolojik verimlilik sağlanacak. Yeni endüstri devrimi hem enerji tasarrufu sağlayacak hem de maliyetleri düşürecek. Alman Hükümetinin üretim süreçlerini bilgisayarlaşma yönünde teşvik etme ve yüksek teknolojiyle donatması projesi olarak kabul edilen Endüstri 4.0, aynı zamanda dördüncü sanayi devrimi anlamına geliyor.

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Love Is …

Love Is …

9.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 15 ₺ (eKitap)

Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, 
You just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. 
- Erica Baican 
She Walks In Beauty like the night
(Lord Byron)

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