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Bilimsel Makaleler – Murat Ukray
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Holistic Science: “New Paradigm”

Holistic Science: “New Paradigm”
49.99 ₺
Genres: İNGİLİZCE KİTAPLAR, İnspiration Books, Non-Fiction, Reference Books, Science & Nature Books, Self-İmprovement Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi
Publication Year: 2023
Format: (eKitap)
Length: Türkçe, 16 x 23 cm, 128 sayfa
Narrator: Ümit Ersöz (Editör)
ISBN: 9786258196795

This book, in my opinion, was an important step calling for holistic thought, which became increasingly impoverished at the beginning of the 20th century. I believe that this book, which tries to make a synthesis by reflecting in the views of many thinkers on both the history of philosophy, the history of science and holism, will try to fill an important deficiency in the literature.

Prof. Dr. Erol Başar

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About the Book
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Holistic Science, New Paradigm, Mustafa Özcan, Holism, Philosophy, Holistik Bilimi

KATEGORİLER: SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY /  Alternatif Tıp & Yeni Alternatif Düşünce Sistemi




Mustafa ÖZCAN's book on "HOLISM"

With the beginning of the Renaissance in the 17th century, a new way of thinking was initiated in the world of philosophy and science. Although the holistic approach was a popular way of thinking among philosophers in ancient Greece, it cannot be said that there was an important theoretical recovery in these periods. This movement in Europe is primarily Rene Descartes, who wrote books on scientific methods and brought important rules. This groundbreaking philosopher was followed by the great physicist Isaac NEWTON. On the other hand, in Germany, Leibniz has taken important steps on theoreticality and holism with an approach similar to Descartes. In the 20th century, with the great journey Charles Darwin made with his holistic point of view, holisticization also took an important step. At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert EINSTEIN fundamentally established the Darwin's-like important point of view in physics and astrophysics in his perspective on the universe and atoms.


This book, in my opinion, was an important step calling for holistic thought, which became increasingly impoverished at the beginning of the 20th century. I believe that this book, which tries to make a synthesis by reflecting in the views of many thinkers on both the history of philosophy, the history of science and holism, will try to fill an important deficiency in the literature.

Prof. Dr. Erol Başar


Beyond the blissful integration of classical, analytical, familiar science and philosophy, Mustafa Özcan, thinking about the design and use of holistic science, went beyond the holistic science, which is still in the embryo stage in Western science, and what he describes as "meta-theory". It aims to make HAK (Understanding Everything – (or Explainer) – Theory) understandable. You will try to grasp an extraordinary effort and an intellectual challenge with pleasure in this work.

Ateşan Aybars


Mustafa Özcan's Holistic Science book opens new horizons for those who think on these issues with a wide inclusive and integrative approach in the world intellectual environment where the debates about the end of science, philosophy and even history continue.

Prof. Dr. Fuat İnce


Holistic Science… It takes great courage to prepare a book on such a subject. Dear researcher and author, Mustafa Özcan, has made a great contribution to our society and our scientific world, as he has made such a subject into a book as a result of his research over the years.

Prof. Dr. Murat Dinçmen






The Origin, History, and Scope of the Concept of Holistic Science

The Nature and Application Model of Holism


Worldview and Nature and Dialectics

1. The Phenomenon of Knowledge Transforming into Writing in a Thought Attempt

2. Worldview: About the Concept and the Word

3. World View as an Intellectual Notion

4. Two Meanings of the Whole Concept: Total and Holistic Whole

5. How should the Concept of Culture be analyzed?

6. Is There a Nature of Human Culture?


The End of Common Science

7. What They Call Science …

8. Method Diversity in Sciences

9. The Universal Continuous Cycle of the Sciences Triad

10. Is There a Science Ideology?

11. What Is the "New Age" Philosophy Aimed at?


Holistic Scientific Method in Philosophical Perspective

12. Method Problem in Social and Human Sciences

13. Why Is the Natural Scientific Method Not Suitable for Human Sciences?

14. Are Science and Philosophy Separate?


System Thinking

15. About the Core Meaning of System Thinking

16. Dimensions of System Thinking

17. A New Approach to System Thinking

18. The Concept of Hierarchy in Systems


Holistic Science from the Perspective of Physics and Philosophy of Mathematics

19. Entropy, Information, Disposable Structures, Mental Formal Structure and Holistic Science

20. Cosmos and Thermodynamics

21. Thermodynamics and Dialectics

22. Light and Dialectics

23. Logical Coordinate System

24. Logical Coordinating and Dichotomy and Dialectics in Micro-cosmos


The Essence of All-Understanding Theory and Holistic Science

25. Holistic Science

26. Holistic Science and Gaia Theory

27. Essays for Holistic Science

28. What is AUT, What is Not!

29. An Assessment of How to Question Intellectual Problems Using Holistic Science Perspective

30. Holistic Inferences from the Seven Representative Thinkers of Modern Philosophy





Author's CV

About the Book

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About the Author
Mustafa Özcan

Mustafa Özcan was born on December 20, 1947 (Registered in the certificate on January 3, 1948) in Gonen. After finishing Ömer Seyfettin Primary School and Gönen Secondary School there, he graduated from Istanbul Haydarpaşa High School Science Department in June 1966, which he entered in 1962. At the beginning of 1967, he went to Germany as a state scholarship subject to examination within the scope of Law No. 1416 to pursue higher education in chemical engineering on behalf of Etibank.

Between 1967-1973, he studied Chemical Engineering at Berlin Technical University. At the beginning of 1974 in order with Turkey's Eti Bank of returning to compulsory service in the cause of Bandirma Müessesesi and worked at the Central Research and Development Department in Ankara.

He worked as a Chemical Sector Specialist in the Prime Ministry State Planning Organization Coordi-nation Department between 1978-1980. During his work in this organization, he served as the Vice Presi-dent of the "Restructuring of SEEs" Board. At the end of 1980, he was included in the SPO Specialists group who was victimized by the Military Junta and was returned to his duty at Etibank. After completing nine and a half years of his ten-year compulsory service in 1983 and paying the rest in cash, he left the civil service and came to Istanbul as Planning Coordinator at Ulkar Holding.

Joining Şişecam, where he continued his longest working life in the autumn of 1984, he has been in the management of various issues such as technical, planning, organization, project-investment, business development, engineering, total quality, in-service training, environmental protection and glass recycling at various levels and positions of the Group. He continued his work by taking part. He retired in 2007 after a business life approaching 33 years.

Mustafa Özcan, who is married and has two children, has served in many non-governmental organiza-tions, including a member of the Tüsiad Environment Working Group, a member of the Board of Directors of Çevko, and the founding president of the Camsiad and Gekider associations.
He continues his volunteer work in KDP, Kadıköy Thought Platform, TETP, Thorium Ender Topraklar Platform, Gönen, Bandırma and Erdek Cultural Platforms, which are still active in real and virtual world.

Mustafa Özcan daily newspapers, weekly magazines for 35 years in the mass media as being out va-rious writings since along with internet media KDP and Vocabulary holistic in Turkey-scientific skilled trial-type articles are known to have a separate place.


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