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Bilimsel Makaleler – Murat Ukray
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Newton and His Apple & Simple Newton Physics

Newton and His Apple & Simple Newton Physics
22.99 $ (Basılı)eBook: 199 ₺ (eKitap)
Genres: Akademik, Eğitim / Okul Kitapları, Fizik, İNGİLİZCE KİTAPLAR, Non-Fiction, Science & Nature Books
Publisher: e-Kitap Projesi
Publication Year: 2013
Format: (eKitap + Basılı)
Length: İngilizce, 15 x 23 cm, 300 sayfa
ASIN: 1470958384
ISBN: 9781470958381

"Why did the apple fall out of the tree? Does everything fall? What makes things fall? Can anything stop things from falling? Are the sun, moon, and stars falling? Why don't they ever hit the ground?
So many questions. Newton spent many years answering these questions by thinking and doing experiments. He made up the law of gravity. According to this law everything pulled everything else to itself by a force called gravity. How strong that force is depends on how heavy the things are and how close together..

This book telling this excellent biographic story very simple, teaching and amazingly.."

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About the Book


D-&-R-Logo İdefix-Logo

"Why did the apple fall out of the tree? Does everything fall? What makes things fall? Can anything stop things from falling? Are the sun, moon, and stars falling? Why don't they ever hit the ground?

So many questions. Newton spent many years answering these questions by thinking and doing experiments. He made up the law of gravity. According to this law everything pulled everything else to itself by a force called gravity. How strong that force is depends on how heavy the things are and how close together..

This book telling this excellent biographic story very simple, teaching and amazingly.."

About the Book

"Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that is, except the school bully. One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt, and that got Isaac very mad! He pulled himself up straight and fought back. Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully and came and cheered for Isaac.

So Isaac taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn't satisfied with that. Now that he knew he could fight better than the bully, he wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. So he started paying attention to school and studying hard. He was soon the top of his class, proving he was smarter than the bully too.

Isaac Newton kept on studying and when he grew up he became a math professor at Cambridge University. He discovered lots of important things and is one of the most famous scientists who ever lived.

But One day Isaac was reading a book under an apple tree on the farm. An apple fell out of the tree – bonk! Ow!

Now, for most people that would be the end of the story, but not for Isaac. Not for somebody who just couldn't stop asking why all the time.

Why did the apple fall out of the tree? Does everything fall? What makes things fall? Can anything stop things from falling? Are the sun, moon, and stars falling? Why don't they ever hit the ground?

So many questions. Newton spent many years answering these questions by thinking and doing experiments. He made up the law of gravity. According to this law everything pulled everything else to itself by a force called gravity. How strong that force is depends on how heavy the things are and how close together..

This book telling this excellent biographic story very simple, teaching and amazingly.."

About the Author
Murat Ukray

Murat Ukray, aynı zamanda yayıncılık da yapan yazar, 1976 yılında İstanbul'da doğdu. Üniversite'de Elektronik Mühendisliği okuduktan sonra, Yazarlık ve Yayıncılık hayatına atıldı. Yayınlanmış -18- kitabı vardır.

Yazarın yayınlanmış diğer Kitapları:

1- Kıyamet Gerçekliği
(Kurgu Roman) (2006),

2- Birleşik Alan Teorisi
(Teori - Fizik & Matematik) (2007),

3- İsevilik İşaretleri
(Araştırma) (2008),

4- Yaratılış Gerçekliği- 2 Cilt
(Biyoloji & Biyokimya Atlası)(2009),

5- Aşk-ı Mesnevi
(Tasavvuf & Kurgu Roman) (2010),

6- Zamanın Sahipleri
(Otobiyografi & Deneme) (2011),

7- Hanımlar Rehberi
(İlmihal) (2012),

8- Eskilerin Masalları
(Tarih & Araştırma) (2013),

9- Ruyet-ul Gayb
(Haberci Rüyalar) (Deneme) (2014),

10- Sonsuzluğun Sonsuzluğu
(114 Kod) (Teori & Deneme) (2015),

11- Kanon (Kutsal Kitapların Yeni Bir Yorumu)

(Teori & Araştırma) (2016),

12- Küçük Elisa (Zaman Yolcusu)
(Çocuk Kitabı) (2017),

13- Tanrı'nın Işıkları
(Çölde Başlayan Hikaye)
(Dini Bilim-Kurgu Roman) (2018),

14- Son Kehanet- 2 Cilt
(Tarihi Bilim-Kurgu Roman) (2019)

15- Medusa'nın Sırrı
(Mitolojik Bilim-Kurgu Roman) (2020)

16- Çöl Gezegen
(Ekolojik & Dünya-Dışı Yaşam Bilim-Kurgu) (2021)

17- Kabustan Gelen
(Korku & Gerilim Bilim-Kurgu) (2022)

18- 2084: "Ölüler Ülkesi"
(Distopik Bilim-Kurgu) (2024)



Aynı zamanda YAZAR KOÇLUĞU ve KUANTUM & BİRLEŞİK ANA KURAMI doğrultusunda, kişisel gelişim uzmanlığı konularında da faaliyet göstermektedir..

Köşe yazarlığı yapmak, Profesyonel yazarlık (12 yıldır), Blog yazarlığı, web sitesi kurulumu, PHP Programlama, elektronik ticaret sistemleri, Sanal kütüphane uygulamaları, e-Kitap Uygulamaları ve Yazılımları, Kişisel gelişim, Kuantum mekaniği ve Birleşik Alan teorisi ile ilgili Kuramsal ve Uygulama çalışmaları..






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